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The Rebound

The Rebound episode 456

A technology podcast from Apple geeks Dan Moren, John Moltz, and Lex Friedman

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Extreme gratitude to Chris Breen for composing our theme music.

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456: Cricket Curious
45:23 | 41.6 MB

Artificial intelligence is coming for us all.

Zoom's new terms of service raised some concerns.

Prosecraft, an AI that was scanning published books without permission, has shut down.

Apple Music has launched a new music discovery feature.

Lex's family likes these Apple Watch bands.

Nomad now has a glow in the dark band.

Congrats to Casey Liss on shipping Callsheet.

Welcome to Macintosh, Anže Tomić.

Magnet and Moom are two window managers for the Mac.

The Pac 10 is Pac but not 10.

Our thanks to CleanMyMac X from MacPaw. CleanMyMac X includes 49 tools to find and delete invisible computer junk, organizes disk space and frees up tons of space so your Mac never runs into issues with storage. Get CleanMyMac X today with 5% off at macpaw.app/rebound.

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