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The Rebound

The Rebound episode 34

A technology podcast from Apple geeks Dan Moren, John Moltz, and Lex Friedman

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@dmoren, @moltz, and @lexfri; follow the show at @rebound.

Extreme gratitude to Chris Breen for composing our theme music.

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34: All the Ks
48:16 | 44.2 MB
Lex is...actually we don't know where Lex is. But we have the lovely and talented Jason Snell on this week's episode taking up the slack and then some. You can use emoji to order a pizza on Twitter. But it's Domino's. (http://money.cnn.com/2015/05/13/news/companies/dominos-twitter/index.html) We talk about some of the security concerns about the Apple Watch (http://www.idownloadblog.com/2015/05/13/the-apple-watch-thieves-reset-no-activation-lock-security/), mostly because Dan's afraid his will get stolen while he's abroad. We wonder how long these Taptic Engines will last (http://daringfireball.net/linked/2015/04/29/taptic-engine-wsj). Your Apple Watch is backing up and you probably don't even know it (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204518). Jason has a new 4K TV, possibly this one: http://www.amazon.com/VIZIO-M50-C1-50-Inch-Ultra-Smart/dp/B00T63YUJO/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1431633408&sr=8-4&keywords=visio+4k+tv Both Dan and Jason have a Harmony remote (http://www.logitech.com/en-us/harmony-remotes). Dan wrote a piece on iOS 9 rumors: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/ios-9-rumors,news-20919.html Federico Viticci, meanwhile, has his iOS 9 wish list: http://www.macstories.net/stories/ios-9-wishes/ Our thanks this week go to Animoto (http://animoto.com/therebound), the easiest way to create, edit and share your videos. True story: Moltz used Animoto to make a video of his wife and son doing karate and was amazed at how easy it was. He uploaded his video and pictures (Animoto can also pull them from your Facebook, Instagram and Flickr accounts if you want) to Animoto, picked a theme... *and that was it*. Animoto did the rest and it turned out really well. You can try Animoto for free for 14 days and remember to use the code "REBOUND" to get 15% off a Pro account when you sign up at http://animoto.com/therebound. Our thanks also to Dashlane (http://dashlane.com/rebound), a password manager for iOS and the Mac. Your passwords are always with you with Dashlane. No longer will you have to type them out on your touch devices. And the best thing? Dashlane is free to download. Go to http://dashlane.com/rebound and check it out now.