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The Rebound

The Rebound episode 29

A technology podcast from Apple geeks Dan Moren, John Moltz, and Lex Friedman

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Extreme gratitude to Chris Breen for composing our theme music.

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29: Death is What I'm Running From
44:53 | 41.1 MB
First, of course, we talked about the Apple Watch, because: Duh. Apple unveiled ten tour videos, but only released three. (http://www.apple.com/watch/guided-tours/) We smell a conspiracy. The buttons and the presses and the whatnot — it's a lot to take in. Dan's still not ready to Periscope (http://periscope.tv), but John's tried it and Lex can't stop. But Dan promises that when he DOES finally Periscope, it will be epic. No pressure. We also ruminate on what's next for Meerkat. Remember Meerkat? Mrs. Moltz is not on Facebook. (Yet.) Dan still doesn't trust iCloud. Its invisible email filtering is barely legal at best. And now, HBO Now is available now (http://order.hbonow.com). Lex tried Sling TV (http://sling.com); it was not terrible. But we're worried that too many a la carte digital channels basically recreates today's crappy cable climate. We're not sweating the Apple construction / felons controversy. Either because we're jerks, or because we doubt Apple's the company instituting the hiring policy for the new campus. (http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Apple-takes-heat-for-barring-former-felons-from-6182436.php) Apple doesn't want people to stand in line at the Apple Store anymore. (http://www.businessinsider.com/angela-ahrendts-says-a-significant-change-in-mindset-to-launching-apple-watch-online-2015-4) John and Dan gave it up in the iPhone 4 era. Lex never started. Our thanks to Napkin from Aged & Distilled, and to A24, presenting Ex Machina, for sponsoring The Rebound. Ex Machina opens this week in LA and New York, and will be in many more theaters soon. It's a sci-fi thriller directed by the writer of Sunshine and 28 Days later. The Telegraph calls it BEWITCHINGLY SMART SCIENCE FICTION and The Daily Mirror declares it's AN INSTANT CLASSIC. Starring Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Gleeson and Alicia Vikander. Napkin 1.5 is available now, and it's an awesome tool for image mark-up and annotation on OS X. It's easy to use, and it's great at lots of things; new features include pixelation and blur for redacting sensitive stuff, and a slick new interface perfectly at home on Yosemite. And with support for multiple images on one canvas, call-outs, and the delightfully named File Pip for easy drag-drop export — you're going to love it. It's in the Mac App Store or directly available at (http://nap.kn). Check out their video, too: http://media.aged-and-distilled.com.s3.amazonaws.com/napkin_1_5/video/Napkin_Product.mp4