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The Rebound

The Rebound episode 24

A technology podcast from Apple geeks Dan Moren, John Moltz, and Lex Friedman

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@dmoren, @moltz, and @lexfri; follow the show at @rebound.

Extreme gratitude to Chris Breen for composing our theme music.

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24: Time as a Service
41:07 | 37.7 MB
Lex isn't a fan of Apple's recent ads (http://www.apple.com/ipad/changing-film/) and we speculate on what ads for the Watch will be like. Dan remembers some iPhone ads of yore (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/12/opinion/l12brooks.html?ref=opinion&_r=0). While you listen to this episode, you can pick your Watch combination (http://mixyourwatch.com/). We're not sure it'll be available, though. Is the Apple Watch going to be ugradeable? (http://daringfireball.net/linked/2015/02/24/caldwell-edition) Probably not. There's an event coming up so, yeah, we talk about the Apple Watch (http://sixcolors.com/post/2015/02/spring-forward-apple-event-coming-march-9/). We also speculate on what else might get announced next week (http://www.imore.com/new-macbook-air-just-around-corner). Then we talk about app pricing and the backlash against pricing things too low (http://vesperapp.co/blog/native-support-for-ipad-and-landscape/). Speaking of price backlash, some think maybe the Watch Edition will not be $10,000 (http://www.marco.org/2015/03/04/boring-apple-watch-edition-pricing). Our thanks to FreshVu2Go (https://freshvu2go.com/podcasts/). Discover how easy online inventory management can be with their intuitive software on your iPad, tablet, laptop or PC. Start your free trial today and view your current inventory status from anywhere in the world, whenever you want, with FreshVu2Go. An easier-to-remember URL is tinyurl.com/freshpods.