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The Rebound

The Rebound episode 22

A technology podcast from Apple geeks Dan Moren, John Moltz, and Lex Friedman

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@dmoren, @moltz, and @lexfri; follow the show at @rebound.

Extreme gratitude to Chris Breen for composing our theme music.

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22: Is There a Mrs. Brookstone?
34:59 | 32 MB
Oh, you know we're talking about the Apple Car because where there's smoke (http://9to5mac.com/2015/02/19/apple-electric-car-team/) there's something that's smoking. Or someone who's smoking. Dan is decidedly anti-Apple Car while Lex is pro-Apple Car and Moltz just wants to take a nap. The GM CEO is also anti-Apple Car (http://www.macrumors.com/2015/02/18/former-gm-ceo-on-apple-car/). Then we talk about Apple Watch pricing (http://daringfireball.net/2015/02/apple_watch_pricing) because that's what this podcast is about. Chris Breen has left Macworld (http://chrisbreen.com/words/2015/2/17/time-to-do-something-else) to go work for Apple. But it doesn't mean Apple's building some kind of ninja PR team. Moltz recounts the latest fun he's having with his son's Lenovo (http://verynicewebsite.net/2015/02/superfish/). Maybe the NSA will fix it when they rewrite the hard drive's firmware (http://www.popsci.com/most-sophisticated-malware-ever-can-infect-hard-drive-firmware). Then we discuss the very long and very good Jony Ive profile in The New Yorker (http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/02/23/shape-things-come?currentPage=all). If Apple does sell a car, how will they sell them in places like New Jersey (http://blogs.wsj.com/corporate-intelligence/2014/03/11/tesla-vs-new-jersey-the-car-dealers-strike-back/)? The Verge wants you to stop listening to podcasts at faster speeds (http://www.theverge.com/2015/2/17/8043077/stop-listening-to-podcasts-fast-speed) but Marco Arment says listen at whatever speed you want (http://www.marco.org/2015/02/17/listen-to-podcasts-at-whatever-speed-you-want).